Host System Requirements:
Note :Ubuntu is not compliant out of the box, copy-paste the script and run it:
you might need to install some packages which are not present in ubuntu 14.04
sudo apt-get install texinfo gawk make sed php gcc g++
Use scripts from documentation to check for packages and libraries
on your host system : sudo blkid -o list
bhargav@Inspiron:~$ sudo ./
script code : Refer documentation for scrip code.
Note : you might need to install few packages showed after running the script :
bhargav@Inspiron:~$ sudo ./
script code : Refer documentation for script code.
You might get problem while installing mpfr hence just run this command:
sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev libmpfr-doc libmpfr4 libmpfr4-dbg
Making a partition on disk for lfs using parted application :
Note : If you are not sure how PARTED work then refer to below
link before going forward:
bhargav-Inspiron:/$ sudo parted
(parted) print free
Now look for space which is free to use and remember the start and end
size to make partition:
Note : Please re-check or make sure before running any command.
Any mistake might lead to losing your data onto disk or HD.
(parted) mkpart
Partition name? []? lfs
File system type? [ext2]? ext4
Start? 238GB
End? 248GB
(parted) print
Model: ATA WDC WD5000LPVX-7 (scsi)
Disk /dev/sda: 500GB
Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
Partition Table: gpt
Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
1 1049kB 525MB 524MB fat32 EFI system partition boot
2 525MB 567MB 41.9MB fat32 Basic data partition hidden
3 567MB 701MB 134MB Microsoft reserved partition msftres
4 701MB 1488MB 786MB ntfs Basic data partition hidden, diag
5 1488MB 70.1GB 68.6GB ntfs Basic data partition msftdata
6 70.1GB 238GB 168GB ntfs Basic data partition msftdata
11 238GB 248GB 10.5GB lfs
7 248GB 459GB 211GB ntfs Basic data partition msftdata
9 459GB 463GB 4200MB linux-swap(v1)
10 463GB 491GB 27.3GB ext4
8 491GB 500GB 9412MB ntfs Microsoft recovery partition hidden, diag
Format ext2 partition to ext4 partition :
bhargav@Inspiron:~$sudo blkid -o list
//this will show partition blkid
bhargav@Inspiron:~$ sudo
mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda11
We will make a variable link: (OPTIONAL you can use /mnt/lfs in $LFS or viceversa)
bhargav@Inspiron:~$ export LFS=/mnt/lfs
Make directory at /mnt/ name lfs:
bhargav@Inspiron:~$ sudo mkdir -pv /mnt/lfs
Mounting the partition on the location of lfs directory:
bhargav@Inspiron:~$ sudo mount -v -t ext4 /dev/sda11 /mnt/lfs
/dev/sda11 on /mnt/lfs type ext4 (rw)
Make directory inside /mnt/lfs named "sources" :
bhargav@Inspiron:~$ sudo mkdir -v $LFS/sources
mkdir: created directory ‘/mnt/lfs/sources’
Give permission to /mnt/lfs/sources :
bhargav@Inspiron:~$ sudo chmod -v a+wt $LFS/sources
mode of ‘/mnt/lfs/sources’ changed from 0755 (rwxr-xr-x) to 1777 (rwxrwxrwt)
Download all the packages from site :
It includes total 77 files including patches
groupadd lfs
bhargav@Inspiron:/$ sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -g lfs -m -k /dev/null lfs
sudo adduser lfs sudo
sudo passwd lfs
Enter new UNIX password:
Retype new UNIX password:
passwd: password updated successfully
lfs@Inspiron:/mnt/lfs$ sudo mkdir -v $LFS/tools
mkdir: created directory '/mnt/lfs/tools'
lfs@bhargav-Inspiron-3443:/mnt/lfs$ sudo ln -sv $LFS/tools /
'/tools' -> '/mnt/lfs/tools'
bhargav@Inspiron:/$ sudo chown -v lfs /mnt/lfs/tools
changed ownership of ‘/mnt/lfs/tools’ from root to lfs
bhargav@Inspiron:/$ sudo chown -v lfs /mnt/lfs/sources
changed ownership of ‘/mnt/lfs/sources’ from root to lfs
bhargav@Inspiron:/$ su - lfs
Setting Up the Environment :
~$ ~/.bash_profile << "EOF"
> exec env -i HOME=$HOME TERM=$TERM PS1='\u:\w\$ ' /bin/bash
-su: /home/lfs/.bash_profile: No such file or directory
~$ cat > ~/.bash_profile << "EOF"
exec env -i HOME=$HOME TERM=$TERM PS1='\u:\w\$ ' /bin/bash
~$ cat > ~/.bashrc << "EOF"
> set +h
> umask 022
> LFS=/mnt/lfs
> LFS_TGT=$(uname -m)-lfs-linux-gnu
> PATH=/tools/bin:/bin:/usr/bin
~$ source ~/.bash_profile
IMP change it back to dash to run in normal enviroment
To change symblic link of sh to bash
sudo ln -sf bash /bin/sh
Change it to dash when it is done
sudo ln -sf dash /bin/sh
Build Binutils package :
cd $LFS/sources
tar xf binutils-2.22.tar.bz2
cd binutils-2.22
mkdir -v ../binutils-build
cd ../binutils-build
../binutils-2.22/configure \
--target=$LFS_TGT --prefix=/tools \
--disable-nls --disable-werror
case $(uname -m) in
x86_64) mkdir -v /tools/lib && ln -sv lib /tools/lib64 ;;
make install
cd $LFS/sources
rm -rf binutils-build binutils-2.22
Buils GCC package:
cd $LFS/sources
tar xf gcc-4.6.2.tar.bz2
cd gcc-4.6.2
tar -jxf ../mpfr-3.1.0.tar.bz2
mv -v mpfr-3.1.0 mpfr
tar -Jxf ../gmp-5.0.4.tar.xz
mv -v gmp-5.0.4 gmp
tar -zxf ../mpc-0.9.tar.gz
mv -v mpc-0.9 mpc
The following command
ill change the location of GCC's default dynamic linker to use the one installed in
for file in \
$(find gcc/config -name linux64.h -o -name linux.h -o -name sysv4.h)
cp -uv $file{,.orig}
sed -e 's@/lib\(64\)\?\(32\)\?/ld@/tools&@g' \
-e 's@/usr@/tools@g' $file.orig > $file
echo '
#define STANDARD_STARTFILE_PREFIX_1 "/tools/lib/"
#define STANDARD_STARTFILE_PREFIX_2 ""' >> $file
touch $file.orig
then making a gcc-build directory:
mkdir -v ../gcc-build
cd ../gcc-build
Installing gcc by running this command :
../gcc-4.9.2/configure \
--target=$LFS_TGT \
--prefix=/tools \
--with-sysroot=$LFS \
--with-newlib \
--without-headers \
--with-local-prefix=/tools \
--with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include \
--disable-nls \
--disable-shared \
--disable-multilib \
--disable-decimal-float \
--disable-threads \
--disable-libatomic \
--disable-libgomp \
--disable-libitm \
--disable-libquadmath \
--disable-libsanitizer \
--disable-libssp \
--disable-libvtv \
--disable-libcilkrts \
--disable-libstdc++-v3 \
make install
cd $LFS/sources
rm -rf gcc-build gcc-4.9.2
Installation of Linux API Headers:
cd $LFS/sources
tar -xf linux-3.19.tar.xz
cd linux-3.19
make mrproper
make INSTALL_HDR_PATH=dest headers_install
cp -rv dest/include/* /tools/include
cd $LFS/sources/
sudo rm -rf linux-3.19
Installation of Glibc-2.21 :
tar xf glibc-2.21.tar.xz
cd glibc-2.21
sudo mkdir -v ../glibc-build
cd ../glibc-build/
../glibc-2.21/configure \
--prefix=/tools \
--host=$LFS_TGT \
--build=$(../glibc-2.21/scripts/config.guess) \
--disable-profile \
--enable-kernel=2.6.32 \
--with-headers=/tools/include \
libc_cv_forced_unwind=yes \
libc_cv_ctors_header=yes \
make install
At this point, it is imperative to stop and ensure that the
basic functions (compiling and linking) of the new
toolchain are working as expected. To perform a sanity
check, run the following commands:
echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c
$LFS_TGT-gcc dummy.c
readelf -l a.out | grep ': /tools'
If everything is working correctly, there should be no
errors, and the output of the last command will be of the form:
[Requesting program interpreter: /tools/lib/]
rm -v dummy.c a.out
Binutils-2.22 - Pass 2
tar xf binutils-2.25.tar.bz2
cd binutils-2.25
mkdir -v ../binutils-build
cd ../binutils-build
CC=$LFS_TGT-gcc \
AR=$LFS_TGT-ar \
RANLIB=$LFS_TGT-ranlib \
../binutils-2.25/configure \
--prefix=/tools \
--disable-nls \
--disable-werror \
--with-lib-path=/tools/lib \
make install
Now prepare the linker for the “Re-adjusting” phase in the next chapter:
make -C ld clean
make -C ld LIB_PATH=/usr/lib:/lib
cp -v ld/ld-new /tools/bin
5.10.1. Installation of GCC
tar xf gcc-4.9.2.tar.bz2
cd gcc-4.9.2
cat gcc/limitx.h gcc/glimits.h gcc/limity.h > \
`dirname $($LFS_TGT-gcc -print-libgcc-file-name)`/include-fixed/limits.h
Once again, change the location of GCC's default dynamic
linker to use the one installed in /tools
for file in \
$(find gcc/config -name linux64.h -o -name linux.h -o -name sysv4.h)
cp -uv $file{,.orig}
sed -e 's@/lib\(64\)\?\(32\)\?/ld@/tools&@g' \
-e 's@/usr@/tools@g' $file.orig > $file
echo '
#define STANDARD_STARTFILE_PREFIX_1 "/tools/lib/"
#define STANDARD_STARTFILE_PREFIX_2 ""' >> $file
touch $file.orig
As in the first build of GCC it requires the GMP, MPFR and
MPC packages. Unpack the tarballs and move them into the
required directory names:
tar -xf ../mpfr-3.1.2.tar.xz
mv -v mpfr-3.1.2 mpfr
tar -xf ../gmp-6.0.0a.tar.xz
mv -v gmp-6.0.0 gmp
tar -xf ../mpc-1.0.2.tar.gz
mv -v mpc-1.0.2 mpc
Before starting to build GCC, remember to unset any
environment variables that override the default optimization
Now prepare GCC for compilation:
CC=$LFS_TGT-gcc \
CXX=$LFS_TGT-g++ \
AR=$LFS_TGT-ar \
RANLIB=$LFS_TGT-ranlib \
../gcc-4.9.2/configure \
--prefix=/tools \
--with-local-prefix=/tools \
--with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include \
--enable-languages=c,c++ \
--disable-libstdcxx-pch \
--disable-multilib \
--disable-bootstrap \
Compile the package:
Install the package:
make install
As a finishing touch, create a symlink. Many programs and
scripts run cc instead of gcc,which is used to keep programs generic and therefore usable
on all kinds of UNIX systems where the GNU C compiler is not always installed. Running cc leaves the system
administrator free to decide which C compiler to install:
echo 'main(){}' > dummy.c
cc dummy.c
readelf -l a.out | grep ': /tools'
If everything is working correctly, there should be no errors,
and the output of the last command will be of the form:
[Requesting program interpreter: /tools/lib/]
Once all is well, clean up the test files:
rm -v dummy.c a.out
Once all is well, clean up the test files:
5.11. Tcl8.6.3 Installation :
tar xf tcl8.6.3-src.tar.gz
cd tcl8.6.3/unix
Prepare Tcl for compilation:
cd tcl8.6.3/unix
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
Make the installed library writable so debugging symbols can be removed later:
chmod -v u+w /tools/lib/
Install Tcl's headers. The next package, Expect, requires them to build.
make install-private-headers
Now make a necessary symbolic link:
ln -sv tclsh8.6 /tools/bin/tclsh
5.12. Expect-5.45 Installation :
First, force Expect's configure script to use /bin/stty instead of a /usr/local/bin/stty it may find on the host
system. This will ensure that our test suite tools remain
sane for the final builds of our toolchain:
tar xf expect5.45.tar.gz
cd expect5.45
cp -v configure{,.orig}
sed 's:/usr/local/bin:/bin:' configure.orig > configure
Now prepare Expect for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools \
--with-tcl=/tools/lib \
Build the package:
5.13. DejaGNU package Installation :
tar xf dejagnu-1.5.2.tar.gz
cd dejagnu-1.5.2/
./configure --prefix=/tools
make install
5.14. Check-0.9.14 package Installation :
Prepare Check for complilation:
PKG_CONFIG= ./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.15. Ncurses-5.9 package Installation :
tar xf ncurses-5.9.tar.gz
cd ncurses-5.9
Prepare Ncurses for complilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools \
--with-shared \
--without-debug \
--without-ada \
--enable-widec \
Build the package :
Install the package:
make install
5.16. Bash-4.3.30 package Installation :
tar xf bash-4.3.30.tar.gz
cd bash-4.3.30
Prepare Bash for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools --without-bash-malloc
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
Make a link for the programs that use sh for a shell:
ln -sv bash /tools/bin/sh
5.17. Bzip2-1.0.6 package Installation :
tar xf bzip2-1.0.6.tar.gz
cd bzip2-1.0.6
The Bzip2 package does not contain a configure script. Compile and test it with:
Install the package:
make PREFIX=/tools install
5.18. Coreutils-8.23 package Installation :
tar xf coreutils-8.23.tar.gz
cd coreutils-8.23
Prepare Coreutils for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools --enable-install-program=hostname
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.19. Diffutils-3.3 package Installation :
tar xf diffutils-3.3.tar.gz
cd diffutils-3.3
Prepare Diffutils for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.20. File-5.22 package Installation :
tar xf file-5.22.tar.gz
cd file-5.22
Prepare File for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.21. Findutils-4.4.2 package Installation :
tar xf findutils-4.4.2.tar.gz
cd findutils-4.4.2
Prepare Findutils for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.22. Gawk-4.1.1 package Installation :
tar xf Gawk-4.1.1.tar.gz
cd gawk-1.1.2
Prepare Gawk for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.23. Gettext-0.19.4 package Installation :
tar xf gettext-0.19.4.tar.gz
cd gettext-0.19.4
Prepare Gettext for compilation:
cd gettext-tools
EMACS="no" ./configure --prefix=/tools --disable-shared
Compile the package:
make -C gnulib-lib
make -C intl pluralx.c
make -C src msgfmt
make -C src msgmerge
make -C src xgettext
Install the msgfmt, msgmerge and xgettext programs:
cp -v src/{msgfmt,msgmerge,xgettext} /tools/bin
5.24. Grep-2.21 package Installation :
tar xf grep-2.21.tar.gz
cd grep-2.21
Prepare Grep for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.25. Gzip-1.6 package Installation :
tar xf gzip-1.6.tar.gz
cd gzip-1.6
Prepare Gzip for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.26. M4-1.4.17 package Installation :
tar xf m4-1.4.17.tar.gz
cd m4-1.4.17
Prepare M4 for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.27. Make-4.1 package Installation :
tar xf make-4.1.tar.gz
cd make-4.1
Prepare Make for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools --without-guile
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.28. Patch-2.7.4 package Installation :
tar xf patch-2.7.4.tar.gz
cd patch-2.7.4
Prepare Make for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.29. Perl-5.20.2 package Installation :
tar xf perl-5.20.2.tar.gz
cd perl-5.20.2
Prepare perl for compilation:
sh Configure -des -Dprefix=/tools -Dlibs=-lm
Build the package:
Only a few of the utilities and libraries need to be
installed at this time:
cp -v perl cpan/podlators/pod2man /tools/bin
mkdir -pv /tools/lib/perl5/5.20.2
cp -Rv lib/* /tools/lib/perl5/5.20.2
Sed-4.2.2 package Installation :
tar xf sed-4.2.2.tar.gz
cd sed-4.2.2
Prepare Sed for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
Tar-1.28 package Installation :
tar xf tar-1.28.tar.xz
cd tar-1.28
Prepare Tar for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
Texinfo-5.2 package Installation :
tar xf texinfo-5.2.tar.xz
cd texinfo-5.2
for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
Util-linux-2.26 package Installation :
tar xf util-linux-2.26.tar.xz
Prepare Util-linux for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools \
--without-python \
--disable-makeinstall-chown \
--without-systemdsystemunitdir \
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install
5.34. Xz-5.2.0
package Installation :
tar xf xz-5.2.0.tar.xz
cd xz-5.2.0
for compilation:
./configure --prefix=/tools
Build the package:
Install the package:
make install